Why Join?

As a member of the League of Women Voters, you belong to a network, organized on the national, state and local levels, which is committed to making democracy work.
One of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, the League is fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice.

Membership in the League provides skill-building experience and opportunities in:

  • voter engagement
  • issues research
  • legislative process
  • networking
  • advocacy and change agency
  • coalition-building

Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to all people age 16 or older. Your LWV of Martha’s Vineyard membership includes:
● Memberships in the MA State and LWV-US Leagues
● Civic and Nonpartisan information you can trust
● Opportunity to make a difference in your community

1) Join/Renew/Donate Process: Join or renew by completing the form through the Member Portal, below. The Join/Renew/Donate Process is explained in this VIDEO

LWV-MV MEMBER PORTAL: https://portal.lwv.org/

Membership dues are $75 per year (or less – see information in the portal) and are split between the three Leagues – local (MV), state (MA), and LWVUS. When joining a local-level league, 20% of your dues go to the local league, 47% to the state league and 33% to the LWV-US. Dues are paid annually, renewable on your Join Date anniversary each year.

2) After joining, LWV members can access the Member Portal to:

  • Update their information (edit phone number, address, etc)
  • Access VOTE 411
  • Make a donation

If you need more information, please contact Carole Early, LWV-MV membership chair for more information. EMAIL: caroleearly@gmail.com

page updated 2/28/2025